End Times Apologetics – ETA Ministries

End Times Apologetics (ETA Ministries) started in Salem, Oregon. We are dedicated to quenching the hunger and thirst of God's children; moving where God calls us to move, all in the name of Yeshua. We feel a specific call to provide public services to individuals with disabilities or the elderly, but we also lend a hand to anyone in need.

If you need assistance, give us a call (503) 744-9224. Whether you need help doing your grocery shopping, organizing your meals/medications, or if you have a project that needs taken care of, we are happy to come lend a helping hand. In the future, we will be able to offer housing to a select group of individuals who require full-time, constant care. 

We address the needs of the homeless community by providing food, water, clothing and other necessities on a regular basis to individuals in immediate need. Most importantly, we are spreading the gospel and the love of Christ through our community interactions.

For those overcoming addiction, it's important to have a support group that you can rely on when you need to talk. We offer that emotional support but also provide logistical support, connecting addicts with individuals and organizations that can provide the short and long term care and support that they require.

Yeshua did not withhold sustenance on account of circumstance or beliefs. He fed the hungry and spoke to those who listened. In the same way, we serve everyone in need, no prequalifiers. We trust God to use our faithfulness for His greater purpose. We also maintain a proactive strategy, building opportunities for individuals who have overcome their life trials through the power of God and are seeking a long term commitment towards a godly purpose. Our goal is to spread the gospel to non-believers and provide support to the community in every way possible.

Your donations are crucial to our organization, we rely on your faithful giving to sustain our activities. If you would like to donate to our church, give us a call (503) 744-9224 or email us at endtimesapologetics@gmail.com